Participate in RETAINWORKS
If you have one or more workers who recently became ill or injured on or off the job and need support getting back to work, RETAINWORKS may be a good fit. Participating employers should:
- Currently pay workers’ compensation premiums.
- Operate in Kansas and employ eligible individuals who live or work in Kansas.
- Employ eligible individuals facing doctor prescribed physical restrictions or those experiencing issues with their mental health that are impairing their ability to work.
Eligible employers may receive funding to offset the cost of training a current or new employee on-the-job (standard reimbursements for training is 50% of the employee wage). On-the-job training allows you to customize the knowledge and skills trained based on the position requirements and abilities of the employee.
On average, it can cost up to one-third of a new hires’ annual salary to replace an existing employee. Additionally, it can take up to 13 months for a new employee to become efficient at their job.

Benefits of participating in RETAINWORKS
Workers who are ill or injured can often remain at your company or return as soon as they are medically able if they receive early, coordinated supportive services. RETAINWORKS provides direct savings to you, the employer, while helping workers who are ill or injured avoid long-term unemployment and disability. Participation in RETAINWORKS may help reduce costs due to loss of productivity, long-term absence, and turnover.
Other employer benefits include:
- Reduced workers’ compensation costs and lower insurance premiums.
- Increased efficiencies stemming from workplace accommodations and productivity enhancements.
- Savings associated with talent retention rather than hiring a replacement.
- Enhanced employee morale and a positive corporate image as a supportive and inclusive employer.
- Satisfaction from retaining your valuable employee(s) and helping them maintain financial and personal stability.
To learn how to enroll in RETAINWORKS please contact 785-207-3907.
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